Friendship is the best relationship of affection between two people or a group of people.It is a very stronger form of inner bond than outer, and has been studied in academics such as communication, sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and philosophy.The best part of life is friendship.With the help of them we can achieve anything because they will provide the best atmosphere for us.True friendship is the best asset we can earn in our life.
In my opinion any love will fail in front of true friendship,because they can't make us suffer.They always make us happy in all ways.In my life friends are the part because in all my worst situations I became stronger than older times.One if the most beautiful qualities if a friendship is to understand and to be understand.Friendship is always divine more than any love.Old days some famous person said that”If we have a good friend we don't need any mirror”it's the best example for a good friendship.Friendships take many shapes and when young you believe friendship is one solely between peers.As a closer warmth and care for your grandparents develops and later you become aware that the security of friendship is found not only in platonic relationships but also in loving ones. This really does feel like the best in the whole world.They teach me about the fake people in this world through their love and affections.
It's not in people,we can find true friendship in everything such as animals,plants,places too..If we have love in those things we will feel the best friendship too.Like relationships, friendships also take hard work at times. As relationships there can be break-ups, fights,with our buddies.As the life changes,old friendships fall down, and new ones are formed.Unlike most relationships, friendships will sustain for months, many years, with only distant is the amazing part how one can sense the others problems and call just at the right time.True friends will always understand the our feeling on time even they are apart from us.
We can divide friendship in two types of friends,In that one is a good friend the other is true friends and best friends.They are the ones with whom we feel a special bond of love, care and affection.In other words,having a true friend makes our lives smoother and full of happiness.Most of our friendship will be our main judger.In a good and true friendship,we will be more grateful to have a best friend to be judged.In short,we can say that the friendship is the important factor to become more stronger in the life.Friendship is very important in our life,because it teaches great this about our life style.Through friendship we understand that,we are lucky to have loved ones more than our family.Friendship never leaves in bad times.Also it made us to understand the good and bad peoples.Moreover, friendship also teaches more about the loyalty, and to become more loyal.Also we will teach the patience because for our friends will wait long time for making them happy to complete their target.
Many of us have so many friends in our lives over the years. Some friends we make as childhood buddies and then lose the connection as we grow older. Other types of friends we make as adults and stay in contact with as long as we are in close and it is more convenient to keep in touch.Those friendships fall into the “good friends” or “close friends”.But then there is that last group of friends they are the ones we call true friends and they are who we have a mutual caring.We can understand each other's mind and where inner bonds are formed between us.As we are child our family moved often and so we will make new friends each place we moved.Often the contact was lost with friends in past locations,but their memories will always remain forever. As an adult it is very hard to find the time to form those deep friendships outside your immediate family members because we all are busy with belongings.All are busy with their own life,but even though friendship will remain exactly like that at older times because it's all because that is the true friendship.
In my life its friendship is very important for me.I am a girl who loves to create a long chain of friendship with good people even don't care about the color sex age etc..or even its a human or not.So am rich in good friendship.I love to spend time with them because it makes my mind free and feel more comfy.Thus as my opinion best feeling is always friendship.Its something that we can’t describe totally in any words.When someone is more loyal to us who is the one who care more and called as our friend, a true friend.True friends always secure a good place in our heart.They will support us in good times and bad. They can make us laugh when our surroundings love to make us cry,and no matter how apart time and distance.We always feel the comfort of knowing that these true friends will always be there for us. Good friendship doesn't need any daily conversation,doesn't need togetherness to remain the same,it will always be there in our heart.Thus the best asset pof our life is always a true friend. Time and good friends are the best asset that we can't waste. I am forever grateful to have true friends in my life, both those who are with me,alive and those who have passed away,thanks to all my friends who are with me as my friends.
Friendship is always a shelter for me.they are the best asset of life.Also it is the best feel,something that keep us alive .it's like fresh air,that can change our mood instantly.It's not about the world it's all about the people around us who brings us smile in our face.there is lot of memories come to our mind and laugh together by the ole memories.That one second we will forget our all pain.Friendship is all not in one person,or our class mate or our childhood can be in many ways in many people...even we can find friendship at a moment to someone if he give happiness to us. They will influence our mind that much deeply. its like a circle it will start and end at the same point.``Friendship happens sometimes with a little push, some times with a lot of surprises"it sometime have a weird face,and sometimes it may be wild too..friendship is always my weakness because it's my strength.Weirdest person in unexpected time is always the sweetest thing.True never be apart even they are far away..they will always be there in our hear.happiness in friendship One loyal friend is worth no need of thousands.Happiness is having a friend who can put a smile on face every time.friendship is liking of each other's mind.even fight a lot the bond will always be strong when it's a true friendship.
Friendship is divided in four types: familiarity,friend, true friend,best friend.The level of friendship deepens as the level of mutual dependence and mutual respect and affection increase day by day.Friendship is a divine relation between two individual bodies.And they both feel the same care and love for each other.Usually, a friendship is sharing their feelings and interests with a similar mentality.Thus the same mentality makes a best strong between and it will be a heavenly feeling.Good friends are always honest,they are honest enough to tell you when you are not being a good friend yourself. Some people only want to best themselves with people who will tell them what they want to hear..priority,intimacy,presence,affection,loyalty,independence,receiving and willingness to change.Friendship always takes time.Best feeling we get from them are the best asset we can achieve in our life.Always want to understand the inner face of the people then only we will get the best friends.In my opinion,the most important three things of friendship in our life are being a good listener, loyalty and have a sense of humor.If we are depressed,if we have a good friend to listen our pain the most important thing we can have it is.
I will always be forever grateful.Thank you my dear friend, for as my friend, you filled my life with all pleasure and happiness spread around me.I wish to spend my all happiness along with you all till the last moment of my life.You are the one who made me to live like this.
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